First Friday Faves

What the what?!  How did Fall already get here?  Okay, its not quite here yet so I have resisted the temptation to share pumpkin anything.  We will save that for October.  Instead just take a few of my faves to spice up your month.

Read: White Fragility: Why It's So Hard for White People to Talk About Racism

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Just a chapter into this book and I know its going to be a game changer.  Its hard and uncomfortable and that's exactly what we need. 

Buy: Boys Will Be Good Humans


#BoyMomGoals Raise good humans.  Caring, imaginative, passionate, kind, hard working humans.  

Drink: Peppermint Tea


Peppermint tea recently came back into my life.  I don't know why I forgot about my love of Peppermint tea.  I'm sorry peppermint tea.  I will never forget again.  Thank you for coming back to me.

Listen: Harry Potter and the Sacred Text

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Where has this podcast been all my life?!  Someone just suggested this podcast to me and I have  not stopped listening.  If you have read and loved Harry Potter this is a must listen.

Eat Local: Blue Hippo Coffee



A town has a growing and diverse restaurant selection.  And yet for the longest time we haven't had a proper coffee shop.  I have a feeling this wonderful place will turn into the heart of the town.  If you're local stop by.  If you're not local find your own local gem.

That's a wrap on September.  Or at least my favorites for September.  Happy almost fall!

