Countdown to 2019


The countdown to 2019 is on. Just a 3.5 months left.

How are your resolutions or goals for the year coming along? Mine are hit and miss. Still some time to do some work.

1. Date night with Nick (each month)…we have not been great with this. We have plans for the next two months.

2. Monthly date with boys…no 100% but I’m trying.

3. Monthly featured country…oops. We were so good with these at the beginning of the year. Now not so much. A nice remember.

4. Meditate daily…I’m way better than last year but still not great. Still time, still time.

5. 5 alone minutes with each boy each night….We do this when we need it but we should do it more consistently.

6. Learn to play one song on the guitar…I straight up didn’t even remember this was a goal. Jingle Bells anyone?

7. Finish Wedding Album…DONE

8.  Finish baby books and photo organization…Give me one rainy day Saturday and a bunch of legos for the boys and I could get this done. I WILL get this done this year.

9. Weekly piano lessons with A…hit and miss. Coming back to it.

10. Make a capsule wardrobe…summer was a capsule wardrobe and the fall is much closer.

11. Complete and launch course (Goals on the Side)…Coming soon. Who wants to be in a beta test.

12. Finish 3 (3!!) Children's books and be an active member of 12x12…one book down. 2 to go.

13. Read the book shelf…hanging head in shame.

14.  Launch a podcast…Gearing up for this in December.

15.  Learn to knit (again)…I remembered hot to knit! I just started practicing again.

16. Become more involved in activist pursuits…YES!!

17.  Work hard to pass full day K…Who is voting with me on November 6th?

18.  Set up seasonal family bucket lists and do them…YES! (Thank you fun stickers from Michael’s.”