Fall Bucket List


Our better late than never fall bucket list as well as how we are doing so far.

  1. Black Friday Shopping (probably done on the internet)

  2. Go Trick or Treating

  3. Visit a pumpkin patch

  4. Go apple picking

  5. Get cozy

  6. Bake pumpkin bread

  7. Donate to a need family- We did donate to Verona Fights Hunger Week but the boys are also going to through their books.

  8. Cook Comfort Food- Planned are chili and beef stew.

  9. Read a book, specifically seasonal- Hopeful to finish Practical Magic tonight

  10. Go on a Hayride

  11. Visit a Haunted House (not sure we’re ready for this yet.)

  12. Carve pumpkins (Monday night)

  13. Roast S’mores (Check)

  14. Eat Pumpkin Pie

  15. Watch a scary movie (Does Practical Magic and Coco count?)

  16. Family Hike

  17. Leaf Peeping (Lame but fun)

  18. Bake apple pie

  19. Make apple sauce

  20. Boo at the Zoo

That’s our list. All I can say is that we are going to have a really busy November.

What’s on your fall bucket list?