Ready for Reset


This is me mid resetting. I know I shared my goals during my video this morning but I wanted to write them down (or type them up in this case) and share them. I’m pretty sure that’s what makes good goals. You write them down and you share them with others so you are held accountable.

To me the Ultimate Reset is all about resetting. I know its in the name but it is truly my goal. I don’t want to wait until the the new year to work on me. I want to do it right now.

My goals for the next 21 (now 19) days:

  • Sleep more (this means go to be earlier)

  • Turn off my phone/computer an hour before sleep (This may or may not be realistic with the approaching election but I’ll see what I can do.)

  • Meditate in the morning

  • Walk at least one time (preferably two times) per day

  • Follow my food plan 99% Normally I’m a firm believer (based on science) that we do best when we shoot for 80% on plan but for these three weeks I want to be 100% on point. 1% is if I accidentally lick my finger after giving the boys apples with peanut butter.

  • Drink loads of water

  • Show myself patience and grace and gratitude.

This list is missing one very important goal that I hate to admit. I want to lose weight. I know that should never be the big goal. I should want to be healthy but the fact is I am healthy. I eat right. I exercise. I drink water. I’m also waaaaay over weight. I don’t like it. I don’t feel comfortable. For the last few years I have approached weight loss as a mental game that I will lose. I go into an eating plan knowing that I will fail. And of course whether you believe you will fail or not you will be right. (Someone famous said that possibly Henry Ford.) So for me this is a reset for my body AND my mind. I know this makes me feel great. I’ve done it before and three weeks with no sugar or flour or loads of other stuff is a great for my body and I also know my body will probably lose weight. I’m going to approach this with a positive attitude and with the knowledge that my body will respond to healthy eating and healthy living. My body will do me well. I KNOW IT. So a mind and body reset is in the making.

Watch out world.


(Every time I sign my name I want to write “xoxo-Gossip Girl” and yet I resist.)