Self care is not selfish.

Surround yourself with people who remind you of what you can be and love you for what you are. (4).png

I often, no maybe always, think of self care in terms of me.  Maybe its I have boys and well I never really think of self care in terms of men.  That's rather short sighted of me though isn't it.  For two big reasons.  One, men need self care.  They need moments of calm and quiet.  Maybe I think that men demand those times for themselves more easily than woman but that's not a bad thing.  IN FACT that's a good thing. And reason number two.  One of these men in my life will probably have a woman in his life.  They need to know she needs time and if she doesn't take it herself she needs to be encouraged to do it.  In fact maybe more importantly than encouraging a woman to take time for herself men need to realize that when a woman takes time for herself its for the whole family.  Or for your work family.  We as humans function better when we are calm and in peace and well rested and healthy.  I love being busy.  I love good stress but bad stress, no thank you.

So I know that as women and mothers we should be able to take time for ourselves but I know many of us struggle with it.    So think of self care as care for your family.  But also as a chance to show your kids that its okay to make self care a priority.

We all need to take of ourselves.  We need to raise our kids to know that its okay to do that.

Its not selfish.  Its necessary.  Go forth and face mask and meditate and put your feet up.    

August- My last chance


Okay, don't hate me for saying this but I sort of view August as my last chance to get after my yearly goals.  Hear me out.  Once September hits we're back to school, back to sports, back to birthday parties (at least in my family) and back to all the holidays.  If I'm not careful suddenly its January and I'm making a new list of goals.  

Many of my goals year after year have to do with self care.  That whole you can't pour from an empty cup thing.  I LOVE being busy and I love my goals and my to do list but if I'm sick or tired or run down none of that will happen.  Back to school also means back to more good TV (although with Netflix it never really stops does it?)  It might mean less sleep.  Post season baseball definitely means less sleep.  

So here I am in August figuring out the time line for the rest of the year.  When do I need to hit my goals.  When will those goals happen.  What's next?  It all happens in August.  Its also my last chance to look at my calendar and squeeze in our summer bucket list.  No lazy days of summer for me.

These were my goals for the month:  

I will walk 50 miles.
I will do 25 workouts.
I will meditate 20 times. 
I will do weekly spa nights. (This might mean just a Trader Joes mask but whatever.)

Other suggestions were drink more water, get some sleep.  All great ideas.  

And here's another one inspired by my new mug.  Set goals.  Dream big.  But be patient, oh so patient with myself.

What about you?  Do you view August as your last chance too?



Small Great Things #TovahReads

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This is my review of "Small Great Things." So, I recognize that "Small Great Things" is a fictional book written by Jodi Picoult that could possibly fall into the much-maligned, and I hate to use it, "chick lit" genre.  No big deal, right?  Wrong.

    I will admit that, when I first started reading the book, and I was reading a white woman writing in the voice of a black woman, I felt very uncomfortable. It did not sit well with me. I felt like there was appropriation going on. I felt like I couldn't put my finger on it, but it just isn't appropriate for a white woman to speak in the voice of a black woman. 

    And then the next chapter, she's speaking in the voice of a white supremacist, and I thought, "Well, okay, so she's obviously stretched herself here." I am in many Facebook groups and one in particular, we have not shied away from talking about white people and the issues we have and the issues we create. Many of those issues are the results of us trying to be colorblind and not realizing that being colorblind is a privilege.

    Many of the issues that we create is a result of us trying to pretend that we are not benefiting from a racist system, and that we are not actually benefiting from the fact that people of color are kept down in our country. Maybe we aren't the ones, or at least we don't think we're the ones, that are consciously keeping people down, but, in fact, we are benefiting from the system and their oppression.

    This group that I'm in has talked a lot about that. It has pushed me from thinking, "I'm not doing anything wrong" to thinking, "If I'm not being an active ally, then yes, I am, in fact, doing something wrong." 

    I was reading this book, and every once in a while, I read a fiction book, the last time I did this was "The Hate You Give," where you think all of those books, all of those non-fiction books, all of those studies I read, I could throw out the window because it was totally explained in this fiction book. And that's the way I felt with "The Hate You Give," and, to a certain extent, that's the way I felt with this book, "Small Great Things."

    "Small Great Things," like many Jodi Picoult novels, is taken from different perspectives. There are three perspectives. One is a black woman, one is a white supremacist man, and one is a white attorney/public defender. Obviously, I felt most that the white attorney/public defender was most relatable to me. I watched the evolution that she went through, and I thought about what people in this group that I'm in have tried to say over and over and over again, and some people hear it, and some people don't. I thought, maybe we all just need to read this book. 

    Now, I'm not saying that "Small Great Things" is going to change your life, and I'm not saying that "Small Great Things" is going to change the world or our country or the path that we're on or race relations. And I’m not saying there are non-fiction books that you could learn more from.  I am saying that, if you can't wrap your mind around what white privilege is and the fact that, if you're white, you benefit from white privilege, even if you don't realize it, I highly suggest that you read this book.

    It is a fiction book. It is uncomfortable. There are times that were incredibly uncomfortable for me. And there were times that I thought, "Okay, I can handle this." There were also times, I admit, that it's a fiction book, so you're like, "Well, that would never happen," and that's okay because it's a fiction book. 

    If you are in that camp where you just think that maybe it doesn't apply to you.  Fine. Fine. Maybe it doesn't apply to you, and that's fine that you're going to think that. But I think that we should all read this book frankly because sometimes I think that fiction books allow us to wrap our mind around something that, if we were talking about reality, we really wouldn't be able to do. 

    So, that's my takeaway from "Small Great Things." I read through it quickly, like most Jodi Picoult books. It was a fast read. It was enjoyable and entertaining, but it was intense. But once again, I kind of knew that's what I was getting into with a Jodi Picoult novel. And that is my review of "Small Great Things." 

What makes a "good" mom?

I was asked recently to define for myself what it means to be a good mother.  I was asked a week and a half ago, and I have still really, really struggled to figure it out. To be honest, in most aspects of my life, I'm a pretty competitive person and I struggle with comparing myself to other people. But in this example, I don't really compare myself to other moms and I really do focus on what makes me feel like I'm being a good mother. And honestly, I still don't know what it is.

Could this possibly be why I often feel like I'm failing?

Growing up, my mom always said, quality over quantity. She was a working mom and she was not able to come into the classroom all the time, although I don't really remember the other moms that did but I suppose they were there.  I do remember that she was always there for field trips and special events and things like that. And part of me knows that that is what I need to do, but the other part of me thinks that I just want to be at everything. I don't want to miss a minute if I can help it.  On the other hand,I like not being with my kids sometimes, I like the time off and the break and moments to think that work often provides. On the other hand, I don't want to miss anything at all. And at this point I think I've run out of hands. 

I struggle with this partly because I think it's good for the kids to have other people, or go with friend's parents, or to have someone else take them somewhere or watch them.  I have fond memories of riding in the back of friends' parents' station wagons or mini vans.  I don't remember what we were doing or where we were going but I know my mom wasn't there.  I actually think it's good for them and so, in a way, I think I'm being selfish to not want that.

My goal as a mom (because you know I love to set goals) is that my kids are independent and they can go around the world and feel comfortable to follow their dreams.  That they're kind and compassionate people.  Of course I want to achieve this by never letting them go and tucking them in every night for as long as they let me.  I want to read them books every single night.

What I think it really comes down to is that I want to be reliable.  I want them to be able to depend on me.  I want them to know that if I make a promise, I will keep it.  I just have to figure out how that actually translates into every day actions. So, there you go. I figured it out.   Except now I think I have more questions than when I started.  

Like what does reliable look like to me and how does that differ from a 4 year old?

First Friday Faves

First Friday Faves are already here and man it has been quite a month.  Here are some of my favorites that I plan on enjoying the month of July.

Class Mom  

This book is funny.  And true.  Perhaps an exaggeration on what being a class mom is like but its definitely based in a little truth.


Maine Isle Flip Flops

A summer classic.  


Nellie and Joe's Famous Key Lime Juice

This is my fave because it makes really great key lime pies and its not too bad with the mojitoes either.



I'm a bit of a podcast junkie and my go to pod casts are definitely from Crooked Media.  Check out the new one Hysteria.  All women, all the time.


Lawyer Moms of America

So, a few of us have been a little busy over the last few weeks...check us out and join us!  The dream of what America can be is still worth fighting for.  So are those children.  There is no such thing as other people's children.  

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Why I fight.


Because I grew up watching the Cosby Show and Family Ties and I thought those worlds were real.

Because I thought that a woman could be anything a man could be.

Because I thought that our country provides refuge to those who need it.

Because I thought that we were the good guys.

Because I thought we got rid of the Nazis and racism was gone and segregation was over.

Because I was so very wrong.

Because today I watched a parade where everyone.  EVERYONE. was celebrated.

Because people waved their flags at the same time as reminding their neighbor that there is an election coming up in November.  

Because I don't believe helping others reach their goals means my kids won't have the same chance to reach their own goals.

Because I read the Declaration of Independence and it demands that we hold our government accountable.  That we demand better.  And perhaps the writers were concerned only for white land owning men but I say we can do better for EVERYONE.

Today at the parade a little boy had a sign that said "Try America Try".

And that's what we have to do right?  We have to try to do better.  We have to try every day.  I'm not going to pretend that the US is perfect.  Its far from it.  Its imperfect.  Its so imperfect.  But we're all imperfect.  I'm not going to give up on it.  Not now.  Not ever.  I'm going to keep going.  Keep pushing her.  Good old America.  Its #WhyIFight.

Don't be numb. Don't be silent.

Something has been weighing on my heart for the last few days. I've been meaning to write about it for awhile but its always late and I push it off to the next day.  

For the last, almost two weeks, a number of other lawyer moms and I have been putting together a day of action concerning the separation of migrant families.  Like most of America we are outraged by what is going on, both as lawyers and moms.

Before I got so involved I kept thinking about myself as a child reading books about Germany before WW2.  I remember thinking that I would have been a brave person to speak out.  I would have stood up.  I wouldn't have been silent.  And yet there was watching atrocity after atrocity happen in our own country and I was in fact being silent.  I needed to be able to look my kids in the eye 30 years from now and say I tried.  I did the best I could.  I wasn't silent. 

But lets be honest.  I have been silent.  I have been complicit.  I have looked the other way sheltered by the way our country has treated People of Color.  Sheltered by my white privilege.  I have been able to choose when to look and choose when to look away. 

I refuse to look away ever again.  I also refuse to be shocked.  If you are shocked about the way our country is treating these migrant families then you haven't been paying attention.  We as a nation have treated the poor, the new, the people of color horribly.  We have stolen their land.  We have shipped them off to camps.  This is not new.  It is just recent and for that it is shocking. 

I want to pledge to you that while I am focused right now on the migrant families I will not look away again.  I will not be silent again.

It is time that we say enough is enough.  We won't be numb.  We won't be shocked.  We will use our voices to stand up for people in this country who have been forgotten time and time again. We will not go back.

Step one to a capsule wardobe


Capsule wardrobes are all the rage.  Okay I don't actually know if they are all the rage but they were at some point, recently.  One thing I loved about being pregnant was the limited options of clothing.  It made life so easy.  I always swore that when I got down to that ideal weight I would get myself a great capsule wardrobe.

Well, about two months ago I had the most uncomfortable day.  I did not like what I was wearing at all.  I wrote about it here:

Today was one of those days. Insecurities ran high. Self doubt. Comparisons to myself and others. 

Most of the day was spent running the kids around. I didn't feel comfortable or confident in what I was wearing. I would see other moms who looked like they had it all together. Cute outfits. Not chasing all of their kids. I would do math in my head. "She had a baby a year older than mine so technically she's not doing better than me. Oh, she had a baby just 6 months ago. Look how good she looks." This was my day. Add on a 4 year old who would not listen. AT. ALL. and it was a long day. 

Now before you go saying stuff. Let me jump right in and say what I was saying to myself as much as I could all day. I know I needed to hear it. Maybe you do too.

Just because someone looks put together and smiling on the outside doesn't mean they are. Everyone has their own cross to bear. Everyone has their own struggles. You can't compare yourself to others. You don't know their lives unless you have walked in their shoes. 

And as for me. Well, I am strong. I am healthy. My body is miraculous. I would take every extra pound, every feeling of insecurity for those three special little boys. I am one of the lucky ones. I am blessed. I am not defined by the number on the scale or the size of my pants. I am my harshest critic and I need to be kinder to myself. I would never treat someone the way I was treating myself today so why did I let me. My arms can carry kids and groceries and give excellent hugs. My body is good for snuggles and my feet are perfect for chasing after little boys. 

I am enough. Today. Today I am enough. No matter what my future size I will be enough. There is not if or when or butt. 

I am enough. You are enough.

Of course I got a ton of great feedback and of course I felt good and empowered.  But I still didn't like my clothing.  I still didn't feel good and I knew I would spend the summer stressing about what I would wear  Well, I have a friend who swears by just wearing black dresses every single day of the year.  That might be too small of a capsule for me, mainly because I live in the north east where its cold in the winter.  I did think there was something to this black dress thing because who doesn't feel good in a black dress.  I already had some black dresses and I bought a few more cheap ones (thank you Old Navy and Amazon).  I'm not going to lie I did have to learn about what to do with thigh chafing because a dress every day meant there would definitely be thigh chafing.  Once I sorted that out I was off to the races.

And OMG it is amazing.  Totally amazing. Any day I'm not working, and even some day I'm working, I'm wearing a black dress.  Sometimes with flip flops.  Sometimes with heels.  A hoody.  A jean jacket.  A blazer.  sneakers.  Whatever.  It is sooooo simple and amazing.

We will see how the summer goes but I think i'm going to like this.  Once the test of the summer  is over than we can go with the winter.  I'm thinking a couple cardigans, a blazer or two, black pants and of course my black dresses.

Stay tuned...half way to check this off my 18 in 2018 list.

I love habits...yes, its true.


I used to proudly claim that "I'm not good with change."  As if that was some sort of badge of honor.  As if not being good with change was a good thing.  Now I embrace change.  I lean into it.  I know that with change comes good things.  That being scared is good.  

That being said, I love habits.  I love the routines.  I'm not exaggerating.  The word love is not an exaggeration here.  I embrace my habits.  At least if they are good habits.  I try to get as many good habits as possible because if I make good habits it means I don't have to think about it.  Its hard to make good habits but its not hard to keep good habits.  Once you've got them you can keep them.  (Current good habit I'm trying to work on is going to bed early...obviously I'm less than successful.)

The habits.  Our daily routines.   The simple things.  Right now they are what make up the fabric of our  lives.  Because lets be honest, with three little ones life is unpredictable enough.  (I mean we found three bugs they put in a box for toothpaste today because they thought it would make a good home.)  

Sure I dream big.  I set goals.  But that doesn't mean I don't find the joy and magic in my every day. I try to find the magic in the simple things.  Like a hot cup of tea.  Or a beautiful pebble.  (Or at least beautiful to me.  I love a rock collection.)

So lets keep dreaming big.  Keep setting goals.  But lets find the joy in the in the simple things.  In our habits.  If you do you will be forever grateful.  Or perhaps if you are grateful and then you will find the joy in the every day.  

First Friday Faves

First Friday Faves are here because May went in the blink of an eye.  Just a few fun things to kick off the month of June.

For the Love with Jen Hatmaker


My podcasts consist mostly of political and personal development.  I recently read one of Jen Hatmaker's books and one of Rachel Held Evans books.  As luck would have it they just did a podcast together. 

Blueberries for Sal


Growing up summer always meant a trip to Maine.  Its been a few years since I've been there but we have a few favorite books about Maine we always read.  This one is my favorite.  

TogetHER Rising


Glennon Doyle is one of my favorites.  Favorite bloggers. Social media people.  Writers.  And now she is one of my favorite activists.  With her organization she figures out what the serious needs are.  Whether its diapers in Syria or lawyers at the border.  She gets out there and tells it like it is.  

Trader Joe's Watermelon Cucumber Cooler


This is summer in a bottle.  I'm not kidding.  Over ice.  Over ice with vodka.  Or you know, just on its own.  Amazing.

Only Love Today by Rachel Macy Stafford


I already wrote a bit about this book.  Its sort of like a daily reader except there is no pressure to read it daily.  It's exactly what it says.  Reminders to breathe more, stress less, and choose love.  Seriously, who can't say yes to that?!

18 for 2018

Its May 30th.  I've used excuse after excuse not do my 18 in 2018 list.  There are 7 months left in the year.  Some things I'm working.  Some things are super aspirational.  Either way, they're on the list.  I've written them down. I'm sharing them with the world.  Time to make a plan to hit these goals.

1. Date night with Nick (each month)

2. Monthly date with boys

3. Monthly featured country

4. Meditate daily

5. 5 alone minutes with each boy each night

6. Learn to play one song on the guitar

7. Finish Wedding Album

8.  Finish baby books and photo organization

9. Weekly piano lessons with A

10. Make a capsule wardrobe

11. Complete and launch course (Goals on the Side)

12. Finish 3 (3!!) Children's books and be an active member of 12x12

13. Read the book shelf

14.  Launch a podcast

15.  Learn to knit (again)

16. Become more involved in activist pursuits

17.  Work hard to pass full day K

18.  Set up seasonal family bucket lists and do them

5 Tips to turn your dreams into reality



Okay, maybe I oversold this but it.  What I will lay out are 5 ways to turn your dreams into goals.  Not just pie in the sky plans but goals you can reach.  

1.  Think HUGE.  Then think Bigger.  I mean so very big it makes you scared, a little embarrassed, and concerned if you share your goals with anyone else they might laugh.  If its that big then you're in the ball park.  

2.  Get SPECIFIC.  Picture yourself 5 years from now.  What are you doing?  Where are you?  What are you wearing?  Be specific.  Be so specific so that you can see that person.  Talk to that person.  Are you in your same house or somewhere different?  Same job?  Same haircut?  Picture that person that is you.

3.  Make a PLAN.  Pretend that you have all the time in the world.  No money obligations.  No family obligations.  If you had all the time in the world what would you do to achieve that goal.  Would you go back to school?  Get a certification?  Join a gym?  Would you see a therapist or a life coach?  Would you fix your resume?  Would you start a business plan for a coffee shop?   If you could do anything you wanted what would it be?

4.  Break it down into small steps.  I'm talking teeny tiny steps.  5-10 minute steps.  You need to clean up your resume?  Find your old resume.  That's one step.  Search for a resume writer.  That might be 2-3 steps broken down into google, Groupon, etc.  Do a quick search of programs that get you the certification you want.  Whatever the steps are make them really small. 

5.  Write the first 7 goals on your CALENDAR.  (Or type them on your calendar but writing is better.  That's a whole other topic.)

And that's it.  A HUGE SCARY DREAM.  Teeny, tiny steps.  You are on your way.  

Should we be embracing mom guilt?

I've heard it.  You've heard it.  "I work.  I love it. But you know, mom guilt."  "I have to split my time between the two kids sports but I can't be in both places.  You know, mom guilt."  "After all day with the kids I'm exhausted.  I love it but sometimes I just wish I had my own time. Mom guilt."

It seems that moms (me included) revel in this mom guilt.  We use it as a cover for our real feelings.  Like loving being home but needing a break.  Like loving being at work. By constantly covering up our feelings by saying "mom guilt" we are discounting ourselves.  We are discounting who we really are.  We are somehow saying that our true feelings aren't important.

And I get it.  We get frustrated and upset when we're working and our kids are sick and we're torn between 5 different places.  But should we feel guilty?  What benefit does feeling guilty have?

Have you done something wrong before?  Maybe when you were a kid.   Like legit wrong.  Told a lie.  Hurt someone's feelings.  Broken a vase.  And you felt guilty right?  If you were like me it would weigh on you.  The guilty was way worse than the lie or issue.  The guilt would just sit on my shoulders and push me down.  Until something broke.

So here are my questions.  How is that guilt any different than this mom guilt that so many women carry all the time?   What are we doing to ourselves by covering our true feelings with guilt?  These are not hypothetical questions.  Instead they are real questions I want to answer.  When I feel guilty I'm more stressed with a shorter fuse.  Of course one option is to eliminate stress but isn't another solution to eliminate the guilt?  

For that we have to find forgiveness with ourselves.  I'm kicking off my understanding of guilt, forgiveness, and women with The Book of Forgiving and a whole lot of research.

I promise to report back on what I find.  Maybe we don't actually have to feel guilty.  Wouldn't that be a nice weight lifted?


Align Yourself


What I have realized in life, and maybe it's something you already know, is that we are all in constant motion. And I don't just mean our bodies or even our minds. But I mean who we want to be, who we are today, is probably not the person that we were a year ago, or even a week ago. And so, what happens is that the things that we're doing on a daily basis may not be in alignment with the person that we are or the person that we want to be. And I'm totally stealing the word alignment from someone who I've been talking to recently, but let's go with that because it has really clarified for me this concept of making sure that my daily actions and daily habits are in alignment with this person that I want to be, and the person that I need to be.

Of course, we're not forgetting the fact that on some levels what I need to be is a wife and a mom and a provider, and I need to make sure my kids are fed and loved and happy. But if we make sure all of that, then I can focus on making sure they're fed and loved and happy by being the person that I truly want to be. And I imagine or rather I know, it's something that I am going to be working on for the rest of my life. 

What I will say is, it's a two-step process that can probably be broken down in 100 steps. But I'm gonna start with two: figure out who you want to be or what you want to be, maybe when you grow up or tomorrow, and then you need to make sure that your behavior is aligned with your actions.  Maybe it's only 15 minutes a day, but whatever your actions are, you need to make sure that they line up with who it is you want to be and who it is you need to be. Your actions, your habits, when you take time for yourself, you need to make sure that they all line up.

I have to say, when it happens — and it's beginning to happen more and more for me — it's like magic, you know? And this is something I imagine that I'm gonna have to keep re-evaluating because the actions that I have been taking recently were for the person that I wanted to be 2, 3, 4 years ago. And that just wasn't working for me anymore. And so now, I'm working on taking actions that have to do with the person that I want to be now, and I've got to tell you, it's pretty great. It's pretty great when things all line up together.

So that's my wish for you today, on this beautiful Friday, is that you figure out what it is that you want to be or who you want to be and you start trying to figure out a simple question:

Does what I'm doing right now line up with who I want to be or is it a struggle for me to do it? 

The Magic Pill: Drink more water!


There is a lot I don't know for sure.  Right now, today and every day, the biggest thing I don't know for sure is how to get outsides to match my insides.  I've done weight watchers, paleo, 21 Day Fix, calorie tracking, Whole 30, 131, keto.  I've gone for high, low fat, no fat.  I've tried no carb and no caring about carbs.  Honestly I don't know what will work.  After years of not eating enough calories over the years I know what I need to do.  

I need to fuel my body.  No matter what size I am, I want my body to be healthy.  And I don't want to do something that will cause me to yo-yo.  I don't want to lose weight just to gain it back.  I don't want to follow some crazy eating plan just to have one roll and have it all come back.  I don't want to eliminate food from my diet if I don't have to.

So I will keep fueling my body.  I will keep eating healthy most of the time.  I will also do one thing more.   One thing that I have not been great at.  One serious thing.  Are you ready?  Are you excited to find out my life changing plan?

I'm going to drink water.  ALL THE WATER.  No matter what way of eating you do drinking more water is always the first step.  Watch out world.  I've cracked the diet code and I'm drinking more water!

Stay tuned for what I do next eat more vegetables.  

First Friday Five Favorites

When I first started this blog I had a series of First Friday Favorites.  I loved it.  Then I got busy and I stopped.   Well, I'm back on the horse sharing some of my favorite things this month.  Enjoy!  Tell me what you think if you try these out.  

Trader Joe's Coconut Oil

This stuff.  Amazing.  I use it to cook, moisturize my hands, my face and condition my hair. This time of year as the weather gets warmer the oil gets more like liquid and its easier to use.  Plus, it smells like summer.

This stuff.  Amazing.  I use it to cook, moisturize my hands, my face and condition my hair. This time of year as the weather gets warmer the oil gets more like liquid and its easier to use.  Plus, it smells like summer.

Pod Save the People with Brene Brown

I'll admit it.  I'm a Crooked Media devotee and when season 2 of Pod Save the People kicked off with Brene Brown I was over the moon.  Go download it and listen.

I'll admit it.  I'm a Crooked Media devotee and when season 2 of Pod Save the People kicked off with Brene Brown I was over the moon.  Go download it and listen.

Moroccan Magic

They said it was great.  They said I could find it at CVS, Whole Foods and Wegmans.  I searched and I did.  Moroccan Magic is fantastic.  Reasonably priced.  Organic.  American Made.  Go to the store and buy it.

They said it was great.  They said I could find it at CVS, Whole Foods and Wegmans.  I searched and I did.  Moroccan Magic is fantastic.  Reasonably priced.  Organic.  American Made.  Go to the store and buy it.

Dagoba Organic Chocolate

Because Dark Chocolate is good for you.  That is all.  

Because Dark Chocolate is good for you.  That is all.  

Girl, Wash Your Face

Walk or run or just get your phone and order it on Amazon.  Either way.  DO IT NOW!  This book is inspiring, tear inducing and totally quotable.

Walk or run or just get your phone and order it on Amazon.  Either way.  DO IT NOW!  This book is inspiring, tear inducing and totally quotable.

Until next month my friends.

Happy May!



May the 5th


I'm trying to get back into the blogging swing of things.  I compiled a list of great recipes for Cinco de Mayo.  Then I had a thought.  Is Cinco de Mayo racist?  I have no intention of wearing a sombrero or spoofing the country of Mexico but then again I wasn't planning on teaching my kids about the Battle of Puebla.  So I googled "Is Cinco de Mayo racist?" and I came across this great article from Teen Vogue, "Appropriating Cinco de Mayo in a Trump Presidency Is a Bad Idea".  And because Teen Vogue is on point these days I'm taking their words to heart. 

This is a great article and it got me thinking.  I'm not going to pretend that we will not be having tacos at our house on Saturday.  Part of the reason is that we missed taco Tuesday and the boys have been begging for tacos.  Of course, Saturday isn't just the 5th of May, its also Kentucky Derby day.  There will be guacomole and there will be Mint Julips.  

In addition to the food however we will also be learning about the Battle of Puebla.  


Health and fitness goals- Time to get serious...more serious

Health and fitness goals- Time to get serious...more serious

Time for a little heart to heart about my fitness goals.  My goals should not be tied to the number on a scale but I have to say it is.  I don't feel comfortable in this body of mine.  I feel strong.  I feel healthy.  I don't feel comfortable.  Maybe that's a failure of society or maybe that's just my personal failure but it is what it is.  So this post will talk a lot about weight.  Its not the most important thing for sure.  For me right now though I just don't believe that this weight is the healthiest weight for my bod.  I don't believe that my slow running is the fastest I can do.  If I were talking to someone else.  A close friend for instance I would say, "but how do you feel?  You're healthy and you eat healthy and you exercise so who cares what the number on the scale says?"  The answer?  I care. Maybe I shouldn't, but I do...

All the books


Disclaimer....I wrote this on February 1st.  Its February 16th and I'm just posting this.  Actually its February 17th because I fell asleep with the boys and then woke up and wanted to watch the Olympics so its almost 2 am and I'm wide awake.  Anyway...pretend its February 1st with me for a moment.

It's February 1st, which means I suppose I need to get really focused on my goals for this year. I am not totally sure where January went, but it has come and it is gone. Here we are on February 1st and I have not written out my 18 for '18, and I have not shared with you my word of the year, and even my word of the month, but I am going to start doing that now. 

In a series of blog posts, you're going to find my 18 for '18, my word of my month, and then some separate goals and challenges that I'd like to talk about. So, a focus on fitness goals, a focus on certain relationship goals, how they all work together, a focus on career and business goals, and of course a focus on book goals. This is about my book goals.  I've known this goal since about half way through last year.  What can I say.  I love book goals.

Last year, I challenged myself to read 52 books, which means obviously a book a week. The way I was going to achieve that goal was a balance of reading books and a balance of Audible helping me out. I listen to a lot of books while I'm driving, or cleaning the kitchen, or doing the dishes, or running, or whatever. It was a combination of those two things. Of course what it meant was there were certainly books that I chose not to read. 

For example, someone suggested I try the Game of Thrones series. I thought, "Yeah. No, that book is really long. Or books are really long." Or I downloaded a book about the Donner Party, which is actually makes me remember that I want to read that while it's cold.  (better get on that!)  But I listened to an interview on NPR and it was about this man who wrote this very lengthy 16-hour book on the Donner Party and I downloaded it but I haven't listened to it yet because I didn't want to spend the time. There was a lot of sort of choosing wisely, choosing shorter books, and staying away from books that I know that I struggle with. 

So, this year, I have a different set of goals. I have a shelf of books in our bookcase that I have been meaning to read, have started to read, have never finished, and just continue to struggle with. I want to get those books off my shelf. Now, maybe they will be passed along to the next person or maybe they will be put on my shelf of books, of books that I love and I may read it in another point in my life or I may not. Like my Jane Austen novels, and Little Women, A Tree Grows in Brooklyn, these are some of my favorite books. East of Eden. These are some of my favorite books that I just want to have a home that has them in my home. 

There are about 15 of these books that have been stalking me for years. Now, not every single book here is been waiting to be read for years and years. Some of them are just books that I have picked up in the last year or two and I just want to get them off my plate, but a number of these have been here for a while. Passage to India, I've made it to about page 70 in that book and I've never finished it. The Good Earth, Beloved, these are total classics and the problem is as often with many books, you need to get over that hump before you really want to read them. I just get too tired at night.

This year's really going to be me putting on a priority to find 10 minutes every day to read these books until I get to the point where I'm so excited to read them, I'm devouring them. That eventually happens with most books. Some of these books I picked out because I had friends who suggested them or they were hand-me-downs, but nonetheless they are books that have been on my list to read for a while. 

That is what this year is all about. I have read one book in the month of January, so I'm not off to an excellent start. I have not listened to any Audible books in the month of January, so, once again, not an excellent start. But my goal is to just read as many of these books as I can both because I want to read them but also just to feel like I can check them off the proverbial book list and get them off my plate so I can move onto other books, 

My question for you is are there any books that you have wanted to read for years and years and you've been putting off because if there are, and even better if they're one of the books on this shelf, we can do it together, which I would really love to do, working on this together. So, let me know what books are on your lifelong list to read?  Or do you have a different goal for books to read this year?